Leading up to the International Women’s Day 2023, I had the wonderful opportunity to catch up with three amazing women: Associate Fellows of the Royal Commonwealth Society, Christina Dymioti and Valentina Hynes, and a member of the Royal Commonwealth Society Gibraltar Branch, Denise Matthews
A Medical Practitioner’s Toolkit to Ending FGM/C
As part of the 16 days of activism, the Asia Network to End FGM/C (female genital mutilation/ circumcision) has released two toolkits, one of which is […]
Building Resilience: Handling Burnout
Featured image by nikko macaspac on Unsplash Some news: I finally have been granted the leave to supplicate for my DPhil degree i.e. I have […]
International Women’s Day: RCS Europe | Royal Commonwealth Society
First published on the Royal Commonwealth Society (RCS) website on 8th March 2022. As the RCS Working Group Lead for Equality in Europe I believe that we […]
A Picnic by the Sea | The Clarendon Collective
First published on 8th February 2022 for Lebanon, Issue 1 of The Clarendon Collective here. In those years, when Papa and Mama took her to […]
Suara Empuan: Sanggup mengandung elak datang bulan, apa kata doktor | Peduli Merah
An interview by Syiffa Rosman of Peduli Merah for Suara Empuan series on the topic of starvation to prevent periods due to period poverty (kemiskinan […]
Suara Empuan: Terpaksa berlapar kerana miskin haid, apa kata doktor | Peduli Merah
An interview by Syiffa Rosman of Peduli Merah for Suara Empuan series on the topic of starvation to prevent periods due to period poverty (kemiskinan […]
Breathless and living my wildest dreams
Featured image by Yohann Lc on Unsplash. I was excited to return to work a few days back. I made my way through the familiar, […]
Among the Garbage and the Flowers art exhibition, Paris from 10th-22nd Oct 2021
Finally submitted my DPhil thesis. It has been challenging working full-time and writing the thesis but I made it! In the meantime, I would like […]
Selamat Tinggal, Goodbye & До свидания | The Kalsom Movement
First published on The Kalsom Movement (TKM) website on 23rd August 2021. After 12 years and 11 months, I will finally be leaving The Kalsom Movement […]